

What we do at RMD is different than most real estate transactions.  We help facilitate transactions with home sellers using our PRIVATE MARKET TRANSACTION (PMT) system.  This system combines the best practices from licensed realtors, wholesalers, and FSBO’s.  Our goal is to create real value for our clients and to create a NEIGHBORHOOD VALUE ENRICHMENT SYSTEM (NVE) to grow areas from the Inside out. This is a  theory we created in our business model for  RIPPLE MARKETING AND DEVELOPMENT LLC.  The system starts with our PREDICTIVE HOME ANALYSIS that breaks down the value of your home in today’s market using analytics and data for a current and tomorrow’s value unlike most realtors who use CMA’s to show you what your home would have sold for in yesterday’s market.  This tool creates real value for the future of your neighborhood.  Using this tool is how we reset values in a neighborhood (NVE) and from this the RIPPLE EFFECT (TRE) takes over and neighborhoods grow.  This complete system is like no other in the country and it is centered around you the consumer and your neighborhood to grow the entire ecosystem.  it’s all about the neighborhood Value Enrichment System and you.

Let’s break down some of the ways  real estate is sold.  First is the traditional system using a Realtor.  This transaction is expensive and most Realtors use the 3 P’s system.  They  just put your home in the Multiple Listing System (MLS),  through a sign in your yard and pray it sells.  If that is all they do, they are not earning their high fees and not servicing their clients to the best of their abilities.  The biggest problem with realtors is the bar of entry is very low and the promise of $$$ is high with these fees. I am not saying that Great  Realtors don’t earn their money but Most don’t earn what they take home per deal.  The next system to talk about would be wholesaling.  Wholesaling is creating transactions without a licensed realtor in a private market process.  The problem with most whole sale dealers is they prey on your problems.  They are looking to take advantage of any misfortune you may be experiencing.    The last one would be FOR SALE BY OWNER (FSBO).  This is when a homeowner sells the property themselves to save on the fees. I the US only 8% of homes are sold in this manner.  The number is low because it is very difficult to be successful at this as a home owner who is emotionally attached to the home.  The process is a challenge and is better served by someone who does it for a living.